Queensburgh Cheshire Home

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Queensburgh Cheshire Home is the oldest Home in South Africa, and has been caring for and supporting residents with physical disabilities since 1965. Located 10 minutes from Durban in Queensburgh in KwaZulu-Natal, the home strives to assist adult live-in residents who require significant aid with their daily living. The staff aim to enhance quality of life by assisting residents to become as independent as their disabilities will allow. Being a registered welfare organisation the Home receives a monthly subsidy from the government and most residents receive a disability pension that contributes to their monthly board. However there are still substantial costs that the Home cannot cover independently due to rising municipal, medical and staff expenses. Financial contributions are therefore welcome and encouraged. By pledging your support you can bring about immeasurable positive change into the lives of the residents.

Contributions can be made through the following channels:

– Monthly contributions, however small, towards general running costs
– Adopt a resident by paying for their board for a month / year
– Adopt a staff member by paying their salary for a month
– Contribute towards a project
– Pay an account for a month (water, medical)

Everyone who is involved with the home notices how little it takes to generate a smile or happy response from our resident. You can offer your time by:

– Assisting with the maintenance of the Home
– Serving on the various committees
– Assisting residents – writing letters, reading, shopping
– Assisting in organising or arranging various fundraising activities

Operates in: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Established in: October 1965

Non-Profit Organisation Number: 008-398
Public Benefit Organisation Number:
Section 21 Company Number:
Trust Number:

Contact person: Hennie van Vuuren
Phone: 031 798 4747
Fax: 031 708 5125
Physical address: 890 Main Road, Queensburgh
Postal address: P O Box 132, Sania, 3615
Website: www.cheshirehomequeensburgh.org

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