
Every day we receive emails and messages from people looking for work. We therefore decided to add this page where we bring you a few links where you will find vacancies:

Click for general vacancies.

Click for government vacancies.

Click for private sector vacancies.

There are a number of ways that you can look for work. One is to have a look at the vacancies on this website or to contact recruitment agencies and job advertisers directly. One could also try and get an internship or a learnership. Below are a number of other ways of finding vacancies.

One of the best is that you have a network of people that you can use, e.g. family members, friends, neighbours, the guy that plays golf with your dad, the lady that goes to yoga with your mom, your sister’s boyfriend, etc. These are all people who might be working at small and big organisations. They get to hear about vacancies on a daily basis and they know who the contact people are inside the company. Let people know that you are looking for work as well as what you are interested in. Ask people to give you access to vacancies advertised inside their company if at all possible. Are there new business units or departments that might need employees? Maybe they have a client who is looking to employ some people.

If you are a student you can speak to the career office on campus. A number of large organisations have graduate programs in place and they are always looking for candidates. If you do belong to a religious group you might want to speak to the minister, rabbi, imam, etc. Religious leaders often have a wide network in the community and a good word from such a person in the right ears might carry a lot of weight. Have a look at notice boards at your local library, gym, supermarket, etc.

Keep your eyes open for career days or expos in your town or city. There is usually a number of big employers represented and you will be able to expand your network, collect some business cards, gather information on companies. This is also an opportunity to identifying employment opportunities and trends, but, most importantly, set up possible future meetings or interviews. Find out if the expo has a website and do some research before going. Try to arrive early to avoid long queues and treat every meeting with a company representative as an interview. Be prepared to answer questions about yourself, what you are looking for in a position and your strengths and weaknesses.

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