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Ella Mahlulo and Penny Mainwaring together 50/50 partners in a township tour business in Knysna, called Emzini Tours, have started 6 projects through their tour business to give back to the community. We have built a Safe House for abused women and children and at the moment have 10 children and one adult in our care. They are all taken from sexually abusive situations or have been abandoned. They range in age from 7 months to 18 years old. We care for these children, through our own funds, clothes, food, housing, and education being the biggest factor to pay for.

We also run two soup kitchens, one every day, and the other one once a week. We feed approx 50 children every day. We also have an education fund, where we help many children in the Knysna Township buy school uniforms. We run a sewing project, where we teach sewing twice a month to a group of ladies in the township. We have also built a small counselling centre, where we counsel children and many, many HIV positive people, to give them hope to continue their lives.

We have an Animal Welfare project as part of our business as we pass through the Knysna Township every day, and always carry a big bag of dog food; we help many dogs in trouble, sick and neglected to get help.

Operates in: Knysna, Western Cape
Established in: September 2008

Non-Profit Organisation Number: 082-490
Public Benefit Organisation Number:
Section 21 Company Number:
Trust Number:

Contact person: Penny Mainwaring
Phone: 044 382 1087
Fax: 086 271 8976
Physical address: Concordia, Knysna
Postal address: P O Box 2188, Knysna, 6570

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