Fisantekraal Animal Welfare

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FAW works from four donated containers in the formal and informal settlement areas of Fisantekraal, near Durbanville. We are self-supported and our volunteers run the organisation. The situation with the animals is dire and our main objective is to educate the owners and then to sterilize as many of these animals as possible as the rampant breeding needs to be curtailed. We drive around and collect neglected, abused, sick and injured animals and get the appropriate care and treatment for them. We provide an animal feeding scheme whereby we buy in food and sell it at a break-even price to teach responsibility for the care of animals. We also provide vaccinations and for the unwanted animals, we try to find suitable homes for them. We have made headway with the sterilizations but there are a couple of thousand animals that we need to get to – and that is why we are in serious need of funding.

Operates in: Cape Town, Western Cape
Established in: September 2005

Non-Profit Organisation Number: 051-348
Public Benefit Organisation Number:
Section 21 Company Number:
Trust Number:

Contact person: Winette Klopper
Phone: 084 519 0380
Physical address: Dulah Omar Road, Fisantekraal, Durbanville
Postal address:

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