Zimbabwe Pensioners Supporter Fund

[snap url=”http://www.zpsf.co.za” w=”240″ h=”180″]
Image of this organisation’s website

The Zimbabwe Pensioners Supporter Fund is a registered Section 21 that supplies food to more than 1650 pensioners in Zimbabwe. Every 6 weeks more than 20 tons of food is transported in 3 trucks and distributed to 28 homes / organizations. Clothes and basic medicine is also supplied to the pensioners. The supply trip lasts 8 to 10 days and a distance of 11200 kilometres will be travelled by the 3 trucks using more than 2600 litres of fuel. The value of the food and the cost of delivering it to the pensioners in Zimbabwe exceeds R200,000 per trip. The ZPSF relies entirely on donations to carry out this mission.

The pensioners have been left destitute by years of hyper-inflation. Some of the pensioners receive pensions of 40 USD. A few receive NO PENSION at all. The food hampers serve 2 purposes: They supply much needed food to the pensioner and the pensioner then knows that someone cares about them.

Operates in: Malelane, Mpumalanga
Established in: 2002

Non-Profit Organisation Number: 096-733
Public Benefit Organisation Number: 930031642
Section 21 Company Number: 2007/034036/08
Trust Number:

Contact person: Hannes Botha
Phone: 013 790 0934 / 079 608 2676
Fax: 013 790 0934 / 086 267 8499
Physical address:
Postal address: P O Box 1349, Malelane, 1320
Website: www.zpsf.co.za

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