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A one-day professional development workshop for people working with men who were sexually abused or raped.
This workshop is designed for anyone working with (or thinking of working with) male survivors, professionally or in the voluntary sector, including therapists, counsellors, social workers, medical personnel, teachers, police, clergy and students.
Mike Lew will present and review knowledge and skills found to be useful when working with male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Topics include:
– A greater understanding of effective (and ineffective) approaches for working with non-offending adult male survivors of sexual child abuse and other trauma.
– Understanding the difficulties and realities of recovery.
– Gaining information about specific needs of male survivors.
COST: R895 including refreshments, lunch and notes
Mike Lew, M.Ed., a psychotherapist and group therapy leader in the Boston, MA area, is co-director of The Next Step Counselling and Training Centre.
As a cultural anthropologist specializing in the field of Culture and Personality (Psychological Anthropology), he worked with the late Margaret Mead and Colin Turnbull. After further training in Counselling Psychology, he became a leading expert on recovery from sexual child abuse, particularly issues of male survivors.
Mike Lew has worked with thousands of men and women in their healing from the effects of childhood sexual abuse, rape, physical violence, emotional abuse and neglect. The development of strategies for recovery from incest and other abuse, particularly for men, has been a major focus of his work as a counsellor and group leader.
He conducts public lectures, workshops for survivors, and trainings and consultations for mental health, medical, human service, clergy, law enforcement, and other professionals throughout the United States and Canada and in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
Mike has taught at The City College of New York, Quinnipiac College, The College of New Rochelle and University of California at Santa Cruz.
His publications include Victims No Longer: The Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse (Second Edition, Revised and Updated Quill, 2004). The first book written specifically for men recovering from sexual child abuse, Victims No Longer continues to earn praise for both its clinical expertise and compassionate tone, educating survivors and professionals about the recovery process, speaking to the pain, needs, fears and hopes of the adult male survivor.
Mike’s second book is Leaping Upon the Mountains (Small Wonder Books and North Atlantic Books, 1999).
Mike Lew has consulted to the National Institute of Mental Health, National Resource Centre on Child Sexual Abuse, Childhelp USA / National Child Abuse Hotline, People Against Sexual Abuse and many other organizations in the United States and abroad. He has been on the editorial board of the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse and the review board of the Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Mike has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Sally Jessy Raphael, People Are Talking and many other television and radio programs.
Date: 25 September 2013
Venue: Backsberg Estate (Cape Town, Western Cape).
Contact: Rees Mann
Phone: 071 280 9918
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