Percy Bartley House

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Percy Bartley is situated in Woodstock, and has the capacity to accommodate 25 male children between the ages of thirteen and eighteen years. These children are often referred to Percy Bartley House by the children’s court. Many of the boys come from the street, dysfunctional families, neglected or impoverished circumstance and behaviour problems. Percy Bartley House exists to offer children at risk spiritual, emotional and physical care so they are able to positively change and develop into responsible citizens in their community.

Operates in: Cape Town, Western Cape
Established in: March 1951

Non-Profit Organisation Number: 058-676
Public Benefit Organisation Number: 930024455
Section 21 Company Number:
Trust Number:

Contact person: Farlane Nkama
Phone: 021 447 5722
Fax: 021 447 0919
Physical address: 44 Pine Road, Woodstock
Postal address:

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