Nelspruit Community Forum

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NCF was established in 2004 in response to the many people living on and from the streets of Mbombela, a geographical area in Mpumalanga (province of South Africa). These people include men and women, boys and girls, black and white, educated and uneducated. Many faith communities and businesses were busy caring for these ‘jewels’ in different ways. Knowing that a collective and central service point will benefit the society in broad, NCF started operations. NCF is an NPO registered with the Department of Welfare and a Public Benefit Organisation registered with SARS with 18A status.

NCF is currently operating in Mbombela from Nelspruit and is in the process of exploring satellites in White River, Kabokweni, Kanymazane, and Barberton. These satellites will be in active social partnership with existing organisations. The relationship with different organisations in and around Mbombela is on a demand and supply platform.

Nelspruit has always been a catch basin for the areas providing opportunities through the linking of resources. NCF realises that in this is an opportunity to contribute towards community development and empowerment and wants to use every possible opportunity to facilitate reconciliation, regeneration and rehabilitation serving the Mbombela geographical area.

Our vision is to be a highly effective, specialised people-caring organisation, facilitating the participation of all relevant stakeholders in the community, while continuing to excel and expand in all areas.

Our mission is to demonstrate the heart of God by providing meaningful interventions amongst the marginalised and destitute, assisting them to be functional members of society.

We function under two main headings: first and most important is the marginalised and destitute (Client specialised services) and then our ever supporting community and likeminded organisations (Community specialised services).

Providing for:
– Basic human needs
– Psychological needs
– Practical life needs
– Individual spiritual needs
– Personal development training
– Basic literacy and numeracy
– Opportunities for obtaining basic work skills training.

– Raising awareness in the church, business and community, for the needs of the marginalised and the destitute.
– Establishing informed relationship with the stakeholders with the aim of facilitating their ownership.
– Developing capacity in other service organisations.
– Providing adequate and accurate reporting and feedback.
– Being a resource centre for the community.


MSR: The MSR project was founded to develop a model to provide the unemployed with skills, place them in work, and to create more small businesses. This is a partnership with MEN ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. challenges addressed by MSR are:
– The unemployed are not an organised group.
– The unemployed lack skills.
– The unemployed need work opportunities and work experience.

DAMASCUS WORK FARM: The programme vision is to provide working accommodation to 20 individuals and families. Many persons utilise the corners of the streets of Nelspruit to beg for resources. This is dehumanising and an uncontrolled way of support. Damascus will produce vegetables to aid in basic food needs at NCF.

– BETHEL – NELSPRUIT OVERNIGHT FACILITY: A 28 bed accommodation facility serving new-comers to the city, providing for temporary short term accommodation. The facility is a partnership program with SAVF Herfsakker.

– AMAKHAYA / ONS HUIS: In recent months a need has arisen to accommodate children from destitute families while the parents and guardians establish themselves in society. The children’s home of NCF accommodates up to of these six children with full time house parents.

– GRACE COMMUNITY HOUSE: The exit program of NCF and the final step towards total self care. This 5 bedroom house serves persons that have through different interventions found employment and are able to financially contribute.

– Direct beneficiaries are homeless adults, youth and children in the Greater Mbombela Municipal area and Mpumalanga.
– Jobless informal work seekers and their families.
– Indirect beneficiaries are the local city and town communities, who also benefit from a constructive approach towards homelessness.

– Homeless community themselves
– Faith communities
– All service agencies e.g. NGO/CBO/PBO/CSO
– Cities, towns and villages
– General public
– All government departments
– Local and national business
– HRSC (Human Science Research Council)

Operates in: Nelspruit, Mpumalanga
Established in: December 2004

Non-Profit Organisation Number: 048-272
Public Benefit Organisation Number: 930022931
Section 21 Company Number:
Trust Number:

Contact person: Past. TJ Mare
Phone: 013 752 2140
Fax: 013 755 1661
Physical address: 36 Brander Street, Nelspruit
Postal address: P O Box 40100, The Village, Nelspruit, 1218

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