Feed the Babies Fund

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Feed the Babies Fund is a registered non-profit organisation established in KwaZulu-Natal in 1957. Feed the Babies Fund runs a nutritional project called Amandla kwi Zingane that feeds 8,000 orphans and vulnerable children in the rural areas and informal settlements in KwaZulu-Natal daily. We focus our support on poverty-stricken children between the ages of 6 months and six years old. This is the period during which the brain develops and grows the most and a balanced protein diet is essential.

We provide a formulated cereal to creches in these areas and control the feeding of the children through regular visits. The children are evaluated and monitored continually to ensure that they are being fed correctly and are in good health.

In addition to our nutritional project, Feed the Babies Fund runs a second project, Isandla Esisizayo, which focuses on providing a variety of items to a number of needy organisations. These items include clothes, blankets and other foodstuffs. The beneficiaries of this project are not only creches but soup kitchens, crisis centres, orphanages, halfway houses and schools.

All items distributed in this project are from ‘in kind’ donations received; unlike the cereal provided for the Amandla kwi Zingane project which needs to be purchased from cash donations received.

Operates in: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Established in: May 1957

Non-Profit Organisation Number: 002-273
Public Benefit Organisation Number: 930021047
Section 21 Company Number:
Trust Number:

Contact person: Dean Groenink
Phone: 031 201 4682
Fax: 031 201 4685
Physical address: 23 York Avenue, Glenwood, Durban
Postal address: P O Box 37059, Overport, 4067
Website: www.feedthebabiesfund.org.za

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