Be a Dancer for a Day

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Have fun, get fit and do your bit for charity with ballet! BE A DANCER FOR A DAY at the Dance Crew Summer Fundraiser Ballet Class. Open to women and men – even those who have had no dance training. BOOKING ESSENTIAL.

The class will be conducted by Amy Gould and company dancers will demonstrate all movements. Not only will you have fun trying out some dance moves, you’ll also be doing your bit for a worthy cause. Dance Crew (NPC No. 2002/014128/08 – PBO No 930003191 – NPO No 057 – 038) in association with the Amy Gould Ballet School, is raising funds to help fulfil their mission. They provide training, performance opportunities and have assisted programs in rural communities and locally at their premises.

If you’d like to do your bit for charity and dancing is not your thing, please consider sponsoring a friend/relative who is dying to dance! To make your memories last, a photographer will be on hand and you’ll be able to buy photos of yourself in action to share with your friends. 50% of the proceeds will go to towards Dance Crew’s fundraising budget. Pics of the day will also be posted on our website & facebook pages so you can spread the word!

WHERE: Theatre On-Main Tokai
WHEN: Saturday 16 November 2013
TIME: 12h00 to 13h30
COST: R100 Per person. 100% of proceeds go towards Dance Crew’s fundraising budget.
WHAT TO WEAR: Comfortable clothes and shoes. Bare feet and socks are also fine.
TO BOOK: / 021 715 9510

Tribakery (Blue Route Mall) will provide refreshments after the event, so remember to bring extra cash. Please spread the word and support this fund raiser.

Date: 16 November 2013
Venue: Theatre On Main, Tokai (Cape Town, Western Cape).
Contact: Amy Gould
Phone: 021 715 9510

Listing on CharitySA:

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